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What to Do if Your Spouse Stalls the Divorce in MA?


Even at its best, divorce is an arduous and demanding process. A vindictive spouse trying to delay the proceedings can only end up adding to the torment and making it exceedingly exasperating. Whether out of sheer malice, a deep-rooted grudge, or an unwillingness to relinquish control, a spiteful spouse can stall your divorce, sometimes for years, and take a heavy toll on your emotional and financial well-being.

Stalled divorce proceedings are going to cost much more than needed in terms of both the court expenses and escalating attorney’s fees. Although the delay would extract the same higher price from both parties, some spouses will stall the process even if it means wrecking their own peace of mind in an effort to destroy yours.

Getting through divorce as smoothly and quickly as possible is always in your best interest. However, if you are bearing the brunt of your spouse’s stalling tactics, and are looking for ways to competently tackle their time-wasting ploys, capable and proficient Massachusetts divorce and family law attorneys at Davis Law Group can help. Jay Davis and his legal team can combine knowledge with empathy to help you cope with a stalling spouse. Call us at (617) 752-6216 or contact us online for a free and confidential case review.

Reasons Your Spouse Might Hinder Divorce Proceedings

While there can be many reasons behind one spouse wanting to stall during divorce, it all boils down to specific circumstances around each divorce case. For instance, your spouse may be averse to part with the current standard of life you have built for your family or is just reluctant to end the marriage even when the writing is clearly on the wall. Some other common reasons behind the delaying tactics of your spouse can be:

  • Reprisal against your perceived transgression
  • Fear of losing you
  • Fear of losing custody of the children
  • Despondence about the future
  • Desire for financial gain

Whatever the reasons behind your partner’s attempts to stall the proceedings, the results can be frustrating and stressful. It is not uncommon to see that the anxiety of one spouse over the other’s decision to seek a divorce, results in behavior where causing pain through stalling tactics becomes a type of retribution.

Typical Stalling Tactics That Your Spouse May Employ

Innocuous at first, delaying tactics can quickly snowball into well-thought-out strategies that can stretch all of your resources, including time and money, to their limits. A manipulative spouse with no interest in cooperating with a divorce proceeding can use several options to delay progress. Some of the more common ones among them include:

  • Rescheduling at the last minute
  • Repeatedly calling off mediation sessions based on flimsy excuses
  • Trying to evade service of process
  • Failing to respond to requests for important information
  • Failing to sign documents
  • Withholding documents
  • Failing to return phone calls, text messages, or emails
  • Filing trivial and pointless motions
  • Repeatedly changing attorneys
  • Repeatedly requesting deadline extensions
  • Withholding parenting time
  • Accusing you of abuse or cheating to gain the court’s sympathy

Some of these tactics are not uncommon in divorce litigation, but a combination of two or more such attempts could point to an attempt at intentionally delaying the proceedings. You need to be aware of the attempts to stall so that you can identify the reasons behind them, giving you a better shot at resolving them. Having said that, we would advise you to avoid any direct communication with your spouse in the given circumstances.

Seek out an accomplished Massachusetts divorce attorney who can educate you about all the stalling tactics your spouse is likely to use, and prepare you to handle the strain of the divorce proceedings. With proficiency in the Massachusetts divorce and family laws, Jay Davis can help you avoid the pitfalls of a frustrating and convoluted divorce litigation. Call us today at (617) 752-6216 or drop us a message here to discuss your case with the legal team at the Davis Law Group.

What Options Do You Have When Facing Your Spouse’s Stalling Tactics?

If your spouse is not responding to requests for documents in discovery or mediation sessions, you may not be left with any other choice than to involve the judge. You could request the court through your attorney to impose legal or financial sanctions on your spouse for not complying with court-imposed deadlines or other orders.

While these penalties and the fear of appearing before the judge could push your reluctant spouse into action, you could also be reimbursed for the additional legal fees you may have incurred because of the inordinate delay caused by your spouse’s stalling.

Contact Davis Law Group — The Trusted Divorce Attorneys in Massachusetts

At Davis Law Group, we understand the frustration, anxiety, and confusion you are going through in divorce litigation with a vindictive spouse. We will help you take a critical look at the demands of your spouse, and formulate a strategy that not only nullifies their delaying tactics but also helps you move your case forward without compromising on your legal rights.

Competent and compassionate Jay Davis can help you find all the right answers as you bravely maneuver through one of your life’s most challenging phases and seek a better and brighter future for yourself. Call us at (617) 752-6216 or write to us online to schedule a free and confidential consultation.

The post What to Do if Your Spouse Stalls the Divorce in MA? first appeared on Davis Law Group.
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